SKNK: Floating Island Versión 1.0

Detalles Funciones Contenidos Reseñas (8)


Wow, a floating island! This is a simple mesh island that has a cave inside of it! Ample enough for a small house both inside and outside!

51LI at full-size, it's easily shrunk down to fit on a 512M parcel, though taller avatars will need a teleporter to get into the cave.

It comes with a LowPrim version with low-quality physics, which will have lower LI when shrunk down.

It comes with 5 standard textures, and 3 alieny textures!

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Broken textures

Publicado January 20, 2023 por Ki11Roy 5 estrellas

Looks great but for some reason after a day on the sim the textures broke on the inside of the cave.

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I love it.

Publicado September 25, 2016 por SnowlsCold 5 estrellas

Probably the best floating island on the market right now when it comes to Land Impact for the size. And it looks great, too! I'd be even happier if it had a winter(Winter is coming!) texture but I cant have everything I guess! Very easy to decorate with plants since it has lots of different green textures to choose from. I can only recommend it.
Very much worth the buy!

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Vendido por: Very Vanilla
Se necesita terreno

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

  • 5 estrellas 8 Reseñas

  • Permisos:
    Copiar Modificarlo Transferencias Usuario con licencia
  • Reenvío automático
  • Impacto en el terreno: 51
  • Malla: 100% Malla