This product is still in BETA version due to a script error in the HP Tattoo Applier. If you run into a script error while clicking a hud button to change the color after you have already applied another color within a few minutes, simply detach the hud, then reattach to reset the scripts. The maker has been notified of the issue though doesn't sound like they will be fixing it any time soon.
Wearing the head's bento eyelashes with the eyeshadow can cause alpha clipping, but changing the eyelashes from 'alpha blending' to 'alpha masking 45' will help remove this problem.
This hud allows you to add lipstick to your Happy Paw Bento Reptile Head on the Tattoo layer. You can choose from 24 different colors!
Instructions are included for using the SKS Lipstick and Eyeshadow huds together.
1/2/20 - Now included Bakes on Mesh layers! Full instructions for BoM use included.