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SKS Spotted Skunk Cinnamon [retired] Version 1.2

SKS Spotted Skunk Cinnamon [retired]

This is a Mod Kit, NOT a complete Avatar.

This Dual-Pack Mod can be used for either the SKNK Skunk Head OR the PAWs Ferret Head. It also comes with 2 different Tail, Ears, and Leg options, as well as Eyeshadow options for BOTH Heads!

Male/Female Skins
Male/Female Omega Appliers
Textures for the PAWs Ferret Head
Appliers for the SKNK Skunk Head
Texture for the SKNK Skunk Tail
Rigged & Unrigged Mesh Ears
Applier for the Vixen Bento Tail
Texture for the PAWs Big Ears
Texture for the Caboolde V3 Big Cat Legs (should also work for the V3 Canine legs)
Texture for the Caboodle V4 Canine Legs (also works for the V4 Rabbit Legs)

Looking for a re-color or a custom mod for this? Send me an IM in-world!

See item in Second Life