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SMS 50th Anniversary Apollo 11 Tee B Version 1.0

SMS 50th Anniversary Apollo 11 Tee B

"One small step for man, on giant leap for mankind" ... with those words in July 1969, a new era of human exploration was begun when man first set foot on the surface of the Moon.

Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of that momentous feat with this versatile, rugged tee from Stone Militaria. Includes Classic Fitmesh from XS-XL, as well as Aesthetic, Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni, Geralt, and Slink Male Physique versions -- AND has an 8-color texture change HUD, so you can choose to fit whatever suits your mood!

Available in three different styles, mesh bodies not included.

  • Jake, Gianni, Geralt, Aesthetic, Slink, plus Classic Fitmesh XS-XL
  • 100% Fitmesh
  • Includes 8-color texture change HUD
  • Waterproof & Fireproof
  • Made in USA