SmartPhone Music Player.
Your SmartPhone with 86 free songs to listen to while having fun.
Songs: Hip Hop, RnB, Rock in Roll, Alternative and Miscellaneous.
With a click or chat command you access the menu to:
Select an album of your choice.
Select the play mode from all songs, random, or selected.
Select sound mode for fixed, local, or range limited sound.
Select the sequence mode from repeat or play once.
Play, Next, Previous & Stop
Volume control, Off, Min, Low, Medium, High, and Max.
Text display of status, On or Off.
Access control for Owner, Group, or All.
Included in this package are two versions of SmartPhone, handheld, hud and a use instruction notecard.
NOTE: I do not own any music, all songs are free, I just put them all in a player for entertainment. All rights reserved for their respective owners.
I love you
Thank you for this, I was stuck listening to the opera that is played to all on the land.
Is their a way for me to put my own music into the player??? That would make it just perfect
kiss kisshug hug
awesome !!!
its great !! specially when your parcel has crappy music you can't change
Thank you!!!! love it!
This is GREAT! I love it thank u for this awesome music you are great make more items! this is so cute and so much fun to have!