[SP] Ascendant Wings Demonic v3 (BENTO)
Copyright© 2005-2019 Spider Productions. All rights reserved.
“Original Mesh Designed & Developed by Spider Carnot
Owner/Creator/CEO of Spider Productions
☠ [ Spider Productions] ☠
Proudly Presents
The Ascendant Wings
Multiple pictures can be found full resolution here https://www.flickr.com/photos/55591493@N08/
* BENTO rigged Original Mesh Wings in 4 Sizes Small, Medium, Large, and X-Large
* QL textures, normals, and spec gloss for "advanced lighting" rendering
* RGB Color change on multiple layers, Tint and Glow sliders, Custom color save options, and RGB code menu
* Opacity, Gloss, and Gloss Tint sliders, Gloss RGB Color change, Shine (4 Levels), Bright On/Off
* Idle random natural standing wing movement (7 animations) Open/Close, Flap, Shielding Embrace
* Easy to use Features H.U.D. + Hot bar Sound Effects with On/Off toggle
* Customizable gestures for extra freedom (Glide) (Wing Spin) for in flight or (Flap Once) for ground
* Enhanced Flight movement with custom animations for non-standard flight
Fly up/down 45 degree/bank/swoop/dive/glide and more!
Hover realistically while being lifted and synced with the wing movement
Fly forward + tap left or right to gently bank left or right
Fly forward + hold up to fly up on a 45 degree angle
Fly forward + hold down to swoop down on a 45 degree angle
2 Random sequence Fly forward animations
2 Random sequence bank/turn animations
* Human/Furry/Petite/Mini/Beast Compatible (compatibility may vary)
::TRY DEMO before purchase::
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