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[SP] Dragon Guardian (Plum) [Forest]

[SP] Dragon Guardian (Plum) [Forest]

☠ [ Spider Productions] ☠
Proudly Presents

After Over 1 Year In The Making

The Dragon Guardian MESH Avatar

Copyright©2013 Spider Productions. All rights reserved.
“Original Designed & Developed by Spider Carnot, creator of the “The Dragon Lord "
Owner/Creator of Spider Productions

Striving for excellence to create the highest Ql items in Second Life since 2005

Any attempt to copy this work without a full written authorization from the author of this work
will be prosecuted to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law. (

Thank you for supporting Spider Productions and your Interest in this unique Dragon Avatar line.
Over 1 & 1/2 years of blood, sweat, patience, experimentation, and determination, during this development
This High Quality Mesh Avatar is created with the highest attention to details, realistic design, advanced modeling
rock solid scripting, creative animations and tons of features that i personally always wanted available in a dragon

All objects are COPY/MOD all scripts are COPY/NO-MOD/NO TRANS

>> LORE <<

In a world where forces collide in a struggle to survive, the battle of good against evil rages on Countless lives are
lost in this seemingly never-ending war. Desperate for a stronger force to align with Man turned to the powerful and
revered beasts they once feared. Many traveled seeking help but -only- those strong and pure enough of heart were
deemed as worthy warriors and were chosen individually, and guarded from that day forward by the beasts known as
the Dragon Guardians.

"Even when all is lost, the dragons and our bond with them, have been a beacon of hope to all that is good."

Words spoken long ago by a wise man.

And now it is up to you, to join us.In an epic Quest where forces collide, man & beast fight side by side and nothing is
truly as black and white as it seems. In a battle to save an ancient world, Man and Beast must become one to survive.
Are you strong enough to embrace the power of the beast?
Embrace your destiny and become a Dragon Guardian.

>> Detailed Mesh Wings (brand new technology) incredibly fluid & fully articulated independent movement <<

>> Create Your Own Custom Unique Dragon Style 6 Main Horns, 4 Eye Horns, 3 Jaw Horns, 3 Exp Horns, and 1 Snout Horn! <<
>> Providing over 9000 Customizable options! and thats before all else included (color/ texture ect.) <<


* Detailed realistic design, size, rigged body, low script/render count
* Detailed HUD with 3 Pages of Features/Effects/Color options & just 1 script!
* Custom AO Biped + Quaped including 19 unique custom animations
* Wings with Independent movement, sheild, open/close, and glide
* Mount, Hover Carry, Flight modes for 1 or multiple passengers
* 6 Main, 4 Eye, 3 Jaw, and 3 Exp Horns & 1 Snout Horn
* 7 different pupil options including blind + evil eye mode
* Eyes 2 tone color change with over 16 million color options
* Full-body gray-scale tint-able head to toe
* Texture change Horns, Claws, and Wing Membranes
* Color change/Glow Slider for chest, back, and wing membranes
* 18 Various actions plus Independant head movement
* 12 different high ql sound effects plus stomp and wing flap
* Realistic speaking jaw movement and articulating tongue moment
* Fire breath effects with realistic lighting custom sound effects
* Smoke breath particle effects
* Tail swaying movement + 5 different speeds of agression
* Moving hand claw action with 6 hand states
* Modifiable Mesh body shape using SL shape editor
* 4 included modifiable gestures for fast easy use
* Colectible Dragon Sigil and Gold Hoard
* FREE automatic Updates & Much More!

Much more extras/updates soon to come

On facebook

Spider Productions In-World at "Arachnid Island" in Second Life

"The Dragon Lair" group to stay up to date with all developments

"Spider Productions" group to stay up to date on all things SP

>> All customers who purchase on the Marketplace and leave constructive comments will receive <<
>> a special LIMITED edition GIFT as appreciation for your support upon review of the comments<<

*** All Votes and Reviews are greatly appreciated and encouraged Thank You ***

See item in Second Life
  • 100% Original Mesh Avatar Biped & Quad mode
  • Many Horn & Spike Customization options and texture change
  • RGB Color Change eyes/horns/spikes/scales/claws/wing membrane
  • Saddle Included fits 3 passengers
  • FREE Updates!
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
  • 5 star:
  • 4 star:
  • 3 star:
  • 2 star:
  • 1 star:
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 18, 2022 by Lillani Lowell

I rarely ever buy avatars, and I use them even less...

But, this dragon is the best avatar purchase I have ever made in my near 16 years of Second Life. Customization is Queen here.

As a customer, I am super satisfied with this dragon, and I will give it five stars.

As a creator, I still give it five stars, but there is something I do wish was available for this dragon; a documentation for a script interface that would allow me to create my own scripts and HUDs for custom effects so I can personalize my dragon's behaviors. Such as know how to control various aspects of the dragon via script-- I love personalizing things, and I'd love to do a lot of personalization of this dragon, since I will no doubt be using this avatar for years to come. I'd also be super interested in creating custom animations for this dragon too... but, that may be too far on a wish list.

But yes, this dragon is fantastic! Excellent work! And well worth the L$! :)

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 10, 2018 by Kyleenya

I was hesitant but I finally bought it.
It looks, moves and sounds just awesome!

It's like I almost feel ashamed for waiting that long - if you like Dragons - the hell are you waiting for? :)

Ok a bit more serious:
The description is on point. No false facts or broken promises. You can customize
almost anything you want. The customization is responsive and easy to use.
All the little details I can't count or list but I can promise you they are there.
Do you know that feeling? When you spend hours trying to finally be satisfied with
how you look and it just won't happen because you can not shake of that feeling like there is something missing?
Ok, now that we are on the same level - you will not get that feeling with this product.

I know the size and this is not a complaint it's just sad that it's a little too big for everyday use - I don't even want to put it off to go shopping or sightseeing but well...better not to cause mass panic or jealousy ;)

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After a major mishap
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 01, 2017 by Saiko Nova

I apologize to spider carnot this is an amazing product and worth the Linden at that time, and still is for the size great quality <3

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Great product!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 03, 2015 by GuenHalfpenny

Love the ease of use. Great animations and colors.
I highly recommend.

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Absolutly Fantastic
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 03, 2015 by CarFreak2069

I love this absolutely amazing, The Details are incredible and the animations are spot on, Fantastic job!

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skeptical and picky
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 04, 2015 by wickedgypsy

i was skeptical at first, and spent days looking around through all the dragons before deciding on this one (im very picky) and was not disappointed at all! after trying out more than a few it seems ive found the best dragon in sl, the rest are all to small or have no good movements. i mean who wants a dragon thats as small as everyone else? if your looking for a good dragon to use for rp this is the best ive found so look no further it even has biped and quadraped!!!

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L$ 2,899

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Spider Productions
Spider Productions
Sold by: Spider Carnot

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