(SP) Eleven -black- Version Oº°‘¨ ¨‘°ºO
★☆ sassy and sexy
(SP) Eleven -black-
This Outfit comes with:
➥ Shorts
➥ Shorts w Net
➥ Shorts w Net/Socks
➥ Shorts w Net/Socks -long-
➥ Socks w Suspender
➥ Socks w Suspender -long-
➥ Net Pants
➥ Net Pants w Socks
➥ Net Pants w Socks -long-
➥ Jacket
➥ sculpted Shoulder & Arm Part (resize)
➥ Shirt- on all Layer-
➥ Bra - on all Layer-
➥ Bra w Shirt - on all Layer-
➥ Tape
➥ Gloves
➥ (SP) Glasses [ add on mouth]
➥ (SP) Eleven Belt
➥ (SP) Scarf
all black, copy & mody
➥ (SP) Sneaker -High-
- Resize
- Copy
- Alpha Layer [Viewer2 & Phoenix]
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Your Secret Passion Team
See item in Second Life- see complete detailed description
frech & sexy
ja frech, sexy und MEINS *******