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SP - Pose Set - Beach Episode 2

SP - Pose Set - Beach Episode 2

*DISCLAIMER: The images presented have been digitally enhanced through external softwares outside Second Life to fulfill the creator's mental perception of the scene; the pose may not represent as its 100%; we strongly recommend visit the store on the link below to preview the product for a better appreciation of the pose; best rewards.

*Static pose (Not animated)
*Priority level 4
*Mirrored version included
*Copy - No Modify - No Transfer
*Includes only the pose animation
*Created to support mesh bodies

If you like these poses, please write a positive review and check out the store, if not write a negative review! Feedback is always welcome, thanks!

Any issues, suggestions or questions? Let me know! Contact me by SL: Latorre Dagger (gatouke) and I will respond ASAP. xoxo! ~~♥

TRY IN WORLD: Click link below.

See item in Second Life