G General



This is a split level Mesh base with four different levels. Use it on your land or in the sky as a platform/skybox.

Level 1: Has a hot tub with a bathroom and Sauna, plants, lights and wall décor. Sliding doors to the Sauna and the Bathroom. None of the furniture is animated except for the Sauna. This area is fenced.

Level 2: Has an animated arbor, garden seat, trees and plants, a garden bed with statue and rose bushes with a round mosaic tiled feature. This area is fenced.

Level 3: Has a little farm with animals, garden bed, stable, ruins, pallets and food storage, a pond with rocks and reeds. This area is fenced.

Level 4:Has a pergola, sweet outdoor dining set, 2 dogs, a house and some plants.

This build is MOD/COPY. If there are too many prim for you to place on your land, Modify it to your own tastes. Remove things, add things and do whatever you want to do with it. Add animations or poseballs to anything that you want to animate...If you know how to do that of course!

***PLEASE NOTE: This build is roughly 50x50 and needs a large space to be rezzed. NOT ALL THE PARTS ARE LINKED so you should rezz it in EDIT mode so that it is easier to move to where you want it to stay. It is roughly 400 LI.

If you would like to see it better, please send a NC to Alisonysabell. Thank you