G General

*SRL - Sculpty Puff Sleeves (box)

*SRL - Sculpty Puff Sleeves (box)

The perfect sleeves for the perfect mid- to late-Victorian costume. These sleeve styles will go from day to evening with just the change of a texture.
(Note: The virago sleeve is also suitable for 17th century gowns)

See Package Image for a list of contents.

Textures & SCULPTY MAPS!!!

- TRANSFER - WARNING! You are NOT allowed to sell the sculpty maps / textures - ONLY, as a part of the product you made.

Report any infringements or problems to Steph Mehrtens

Terms of Use
The sculpted prims, sculpt maps and/or textures may NOT be given away or sold with full perms. They are for use as part of your Second Life creations which may only be sold with partial perms.

Please don't steal the sculpt maps or textures for any reason. If you purchased them, they are for use as part of your Second Life creations which may NOT be sold with full perms. Failure to comply will result in appropriate DCMA action and a Second Life Abuse Report.

See item in Second Life
  • Sculpt Maps included
  • Sculpt samples included