Hi Thanks for purchase my item, this pack contains the items for Aesthetic Avatar
You can find the next items:
- Steampunk T-shirt with Armour for Aesthetic
- Steampunk Pants with protectors for Aesthetic
- Steampunk Cowboy Left Boots for Aesthetic
- Steampunk Cowboy Right Boots for Aesthetic
- Cowboy Left Gloves for Aesthetic
- Cowboy Right Gloves for Aesthetic
- Gun Belt for Aesthetic
- Bullets Belt with Grenades for Aesthetic
- Cowboy Poncho for Aesthetic
and its differents huds to choice the options
- The hat isn't included in the Outfit
- The weapon in this version is only as props, you can't use it in another position
***Please try the Demo prior to purchase to be sure you like the styling and fit - ESPECIALLY if you wear a mesh body - every mesh body, shape, and alpha layers are different. You've got to try demos to be sure it will fit your particular shape and body.***
*** Aeshtetic Avatar is specially volum is why that could fail in some poses, it's depend of the Ao that you are wearing ***
- For questions, suggestions and more
contact Grimgor Zaurak inworld via notecard