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SWB Bumper Wavelet Pack - waves sea

SWB Bumper Wavelet Pack - waves sea

SWB Sculpti Wavelets Pack

Great value wavelets pack

all you need to make that disturbed sea state around your favorite spaces
watch the video - it clearly shows the effect before you purchase

SWB Wavelets Youtube
check them out on display here

There are many new rough sea style sculpties now but i personally prefer subtle water movement and eddies that occur naturally in rivers on coastlines and in lakes - and particularly useful around moored boats and for the price its an awesome deal

The beauty of this pack is simply you are given 5 wavelets - all different with differing features patterns and behaviours - giving you the power to design your own look and not what wave makers insist you must have or have to buy many waves to achieve the effect you are after

You can layer then have them side by side upside down partially into rocks or simply mix them up with what you already have - for best results place them just below the waters surface as the waves distort them even more

Two come with great sounds - beach wavelets and rough seas

all are phantom so you wont hit them

to control the sounds type this (owner control only)

/15 waveletson or /15 waveletsoff
make sure you are in speaking distance to them when you make this call or shout by entering the text and then pressing ctrl + enter Key

/15 roughseaon or /15 roughseaoff

Happy designing

Have fun and Happy Days

Surfidow Beaumont

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