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Sailboat Rezzer

Sailboat Rezzer

The Sailboat Rezzer was created to allow island and resort owners to provide a fun and free sail boat ride for their guests.

Just place the Rezzer somewhere over Linden / World water. The Rezzer will rez a Sailboat in position. Once a boat has rezzed, any avatar can click on it to sit down and become skipper. Controlling the boat is very easy (the sailboat does not work with world wind and you do not need to wear a hud or know anything about RL sailing). The boats are controlled using the usual forward/back left/right and up/down keys.

Unused boats will automatically de-rez a few seconds after the passengers leave, so that you don't have boats cluttering up your shores and waterways.

The sailboat design is based on a CL-14. This is a 14-foot 'dinghy' sized boat, designed for day sailing.

The Sailboat Rezzer was designed for islands, resorts, etc. and is Copyable so you can set it up wherever you need, and keep a backup. (If you are just looking for a simple sailboat for your own use, please see our other Sailboat product.) The Rezzer is a single prim, the sailboats themselves are 27 prims each.

If you would like to see the Sailboat Rezzer in action, come visit Atashi's Art and Oddities Shop at the Waikiti Mall at Waikiti Island, where we have one available in the Marina.

Please note: The Sailboat functions on Linden / World water only. It will not work on prim water.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 30, 2009 by Ronin McGinnis

A simple, effective and fun way for your friends or vistors to travel any ocean, or lake based sim.

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