Sari-Sari - Buko (Coconut) Juice
Original mesh and textures, 1-5 li, copy/mod
Bamboo table, coconut price signage (with 3 texture options), coconut pile, chopping stump.
With coconut on plate (item giver for bento holdable coconuts for F&M). Cocktail umbrella has 5 texture options.
Buko is the Filipino word for the coconut tree, and specifically the fresh/young/green coconut fruit which is what this set is all about! Commonly sold in public markets, we use it for buko juice (which is called coconut water by foreigners), and other local favorites such as buko pandan salad, buko lychee sherbet, and buko pie.
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Voir l'article dans Second Life- Sari-Sari - Buko Juice on a Plate (+ item giver version)
- Sari-Sari - Buko Juice F&M (bento holdable coconut)
- Sari-Sari - Coconut Chopping Stump & Coconut Pile
- Sari-Sari - Bamboo Table v2 & Buko (Coconut) Sign
- 3 texture options for Coconut Sign, 5 texture options for cocktail umbrella.