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Satanic Ritual Candle w Touch Flame Control

Satanic Ritual Candle w Touch Flame Control

Satanic Visions Satanic Ritual Candle with Touch Flame on/off Control is perfect for your Dark chapel or alter or just as decor in your shop or home.

Group Members get a 10% Discount on in game vendor purchases. Spend 1000L$ and get an additional 10% (IN GAME VENDORS ONLY)

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And our Facebook page for the latest product images... https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Whetmore-Group/676963375735893

PLEASE NOTE: A few customers are experiencing issues with the "Deliver Contents" script included in some of our product boxes. Rest assure, none of our product boxes arrive empty! If for some reason the “Deliver Contents” script doesn’t work or your box only unpacks a note card, Right Click the box, select Open then Copy To Inventory.

  • Touch Flame On/Off Control