Spine-chilling, animated, strolling skeletons appear, complete with haunting music and eerie mist for a brief spooking when triggered.
Ten ghostly apparitions surround the unsuspecting avatar on all sides. They hang around for about 25 seconds and then vanish until awakened again , when the nearly invisible trigger is stepped on.
Startling and spooky it is when you wake the dead!
If you would like to see and hear this as it appears in world, >> see the video clip!
Perfect for Halloween of course, but great for any old haunted house or graveyard. Put anywhere you want to scare.
Trigger is simply a semi-transparent, single prim, flat disk you place on the ground where it is likely to get stepped on. Skeletons will be facing north and south, regardless of how you rotate the trigger.
The phantom skeletons are animated textures with alpha, on single flat panel prims, that rez only for 25 seconds when triggered. Sound and fog also activate and end.
When not activate, item is just one prim. Ten more prims appear temporarily when triggered and disappear in less then half a minute.
Great way to get a haunting without using up prims, as the spooks rez temporarily and only when there is a victim to scare.
Item comes boxed with a notecard. Set-up is no sweat, simply rez the trigger from inventory with your build menu up, and position into place where it will be stepped on.
Check out my related items for a bargain package filled with animated skeletons and skulls.
Can also be picked up at the shop. Fun freebies for visitors.
Copy perms on the trigger prim!
Have a silly scary Halloween.
Be sure to see my related items for many more animated spooky skeletons, including a jazz band!
Thank You For Looking.
- Temp rezzing animated textures.
- Animated Skeletons and Spooky Music Triggered on Collision.
- Very Scary Haunting Halloween Skeletons !
Not bad...
Not bad especially with the great price but not as spooky and realistic as I thought,.
Also it says Copy when the prim is not copyable.
to copy it you have to rezz out the original box reopen it and it becomes a tedious chore quickly. just wanted all future purchasers to know. other than that it works as it should
Going to have fun with this!
Exactly as described. Love that it is all contained in one little prim when not in use. Definitely does the trick for Halloween.