[Schultz Bros.] Band Stand BIS (Built in Snow)
[Lost New York Series]
*** Notice: All Old & Lost New York Builds come AS IS.***
You are buying an older build. It may have issues.
Please inspect before purchase!
Schultz Bros. Band Stand BIS
Snow HUD
[Snow HUD] Instructions
1. Wear the [Schultz Bros.] Snow HUD (included).
2. Click HUD to toggle snow on / off. Done.
***---> CAUTION!<---****
This WILL change every other Schultz Bros.
'built in snow' item within shout range that you have rezzed.
Lost New York: Builds from the 1920's New York Project,
previously not sold, or lost in inventory.
Obvious note everyone puts in but is already aware of:
---> Increasing the size may increase land impact.
* Texturing & Literally everything else: Not recommended.
*WARNING!* All textures use custom uv mapping & LOD's.
Trying to re-texture them, may not work or cause unexpected results.
Thank you for your purchase,
All building updates are free, if any are made,
will be delivered to you automatically.
-Jogi Schultz
Schultz Bros. Owner
- 100% Original Mesh
- Built in snow w/ HUD
Excellent product
Just as advertised