Scripted MK18 SBR by 3D Knights Short-Barreled Rifle Modify and Transfer
Chat & HUD Menu Operated Assault Rifle
Use this command in local chat:
"g" to Fire the Grenade Launcher. (If Enabled)
"d" or "draw" to draw the weapon.
"r" or "reload" to reload the weapon.
"vel.250" or " vel:250" to adjust the velocity of the weapon.
"sling" or "s" to sling the weapon.
"nofx" to disable special effects.
"fx" to re-enable effects.
"single" or "semi" to enable semi auto.
"a" or "auto" to enable Full Auto.
"db" or "damage" to Arm the Standard damage round.
"tb" or "training" to arm the training round.
"ldb" or "lagless db" to arm the lagless damage round.
"sil" to toggle the silencer on/off.
"help" to obtain this notecard.
You can click weapon and see HUD
Crouch, Prone, Standing Animations.
These Animations can be toggled by clicking C or type in chat name of animation
Please feel free send me IM or Notecard for help or other questions
Thank you.
Allways yours ATAKABOY Resident