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Scrolling Text and Word-Fade Message Boards Version 1.2

Scrolling Text and Word-Fade Message Boards

Want to deliver a animated message to your guests in a small space? Use our scrolling text or word-fade message boards!

The scrolling board scrolls characters from right to left on a 32-character line. You've seen that classic scrolling effect before. The individual characters scroll into view on the right out of view on the left. Unlike some competitors, our board eliminates an unslightly "inching effect" of their boards where you often see duplicate characters. Using IndiScroll technology, our scrolling is instantaneous and is for all characters simultaneously.

Plus we give you an additional "word-fade" board that our competitors don't give you! The word-fade board uses that same 32-character line but fades words into view one word at a time from left to right, appearing as if you were reading them. Once the line is filled with words, they all disappear and the next line of words start appearing. We think this word-fade effect is a cooler, easier-to-read effect than scrolling, actually.

See both of them in action here: https://gyazo.com/4da3ce1e3606a9f0ce15f604c07b6af7

These message boards both use notecards in the object inventory. Write a message that you want displayed in the first line of the notecard. Once you save the notecard it starts being displayed on the board.

We considered using a touch menu message input, but do you really want to retype your entire message just because you made a typo? That's what a touch menu will force you to do. We've thought about this stuff and we think notecard entry is the most practical method of message entry for long messages because it's editable.

The word-fade board is particularly good at delivering long messages because words appear on it so much faster than a scrolling board could ever go. (While still being readable!) Try it out and rest assured that you won't have to retype the whole thing if you make a mistake.

The boards have nine possible fonts -- three basic fonts, three cyber fonts, and three goth fonts (pictured) -- just click board for the change menu. There are also ten possible font colors -- black, white, yellow, blue, pink, red, orange, magenta, green, cyan. Clicking the boards causes the animation to stop until you pick a font / color option or until you select close menu. The touch dialog also allows you to select between three animation speeds -- slow. medium, and fast.

The boards are mod so you can resize them and tint the background whatever color you like, but please contact us if you want help modding these to some particular look or some particular font. We are here and we love to help!

5 land impact for the scrolling board and 3 land impact for the word-fade board.

Copy, mod (except the scripts), no-transfer.

Any problems? Contact Minji (minjianne) or Indi (Indigo.somerset)

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Exactly what I needed
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 17, 2021 by Bull Hynes

Simple to use, and they look great.
The creator even sent a very gracious IM to say "thank you".

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