In January 2014 I left Second Life, this means that I do not use Land, I'm not familiar with the new features that can incorporate Linden Lab in their service, therefore I do not offer support beyond the informacoin included in the package and the information that you can find on my website (http://www.avistyle.es)
Since August 2013 LL has ALL rights to this creation, if you have not solved a problem with the information I provide on my website or included in the package, please contact LL, they should know how to help you if you have a problem with something they have owned (tutorials etc. ..)
If you want to contact with me, you can do it through the web page, but as I said, I can not guarantee good service support beyond the above
Sculpt tools for create your own **aVISTYLe** pool table
In this package are included the MagicRezzer. With Magic Rezzer you can build this sofa easy and fast and....APEAR AS A CREATOR!!!.
SEE A VIDEO DEMOSRATION !!! (http://tinyurl.com/MagicRezzer-demo)
SEE A VIDEOTUTORIAL !!! (http://tinyurl.com/MagicRezzer-tut)
This Set INCLUDED SCULPS MAPS(Copy/Transfer)
This Set INCLUDED OCCLUSION MAPS(copy/mody/transfer)
For texturing the model is only necessary to use an image editing program, we recommend GIMP (http://www.gimp.org) because is a free and powerful software. You do not need any 3d software
SEE OUR VIDEOTUTORIAL ON OUR BLOG !!! (http://tinyurl.com/sculpties-tut)
IMPORTANT !! :I only sell the tools (sculpt maps, textures...) so that builders can construct their own shapes and have full perm shapes. I do not sell all of the items included in this pack with all perms. You must create a sculp with my textures or MagicRezzer in-world in order to have the full perm shapes. if you don't know how to create a sculpt in-world, please:
SEE OUR VIDEOTUTORIALS ON OUR BLOG !!! (http://tinyurl.com/sculpties-tut)
If you have been happy with this product, please vote, thus you can help us to continue to make more and better products.Thanks!
You can visit our store in **aVISTYLe** Island
(c) 2009, Lluis Indigo, All Rights Reserved
Buying this product you agree to the following according to the TOS of the online game Second Life-
There are simple rules though on using them:
Like creator of sculps, after the purchase I give the permissions to be able to modify them and to sell them single with the permissions of transfer, you will NEVER sell, transfer or give this with COPY and TRANSFER perm. simultaneously.
-Feel free to use them in any of your items or creations, Change the texture, build anything with them, and resell these builds as your personal product.
Not Allowed:
-Individual resell or repackage of these sculpties. Put them in a business in a box. Resell or give them away as a freebee pack etc.
-Individual resell or repackage of Sculpt textures. Put them in a business in a box. Resell or give them away as a freebee pack etc.
-These models can not be used in other virtual worlds, are exclusively for Second Life
Violations will be reported to Linden Labs under the American DCMA Copyright Act. And trust me copyright violation can lead to serious legal trouble for yourself.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Lluis Indigo.
- INCLUDED OCCLUSION MAPS(copy/mody/transfer)
Pool table, cool table
i had to rez it a second time because it was just too awesome to watch it build itself
There are a lot of unnecessary prims (only cue is 7 (8) prim and missing a prim :P)
and missing 8 prims for broadcloth..
Their Magic rezzer dont linked auto..you have to search and link all prims manual :D
Decent sculpt set
As with most of their sculpts, this is worth having
sculpties look fine lol no issues there.
it took me a few tries to figure out the builder thing but OMG did it save hours of work.
if you start to use it and it doesnt look right?
wait till the end.
it wont look like anything but reg. prims till then. fantastic work. fantastic price. thanks! i'm well satisfied.
OH and i checked out their tutorial. i've been using gimp for a little over a year. i actually learned something new. so thanks for taking the time to make that!
Looks exactly like in the picture to me and came out awesome once i textured it.. another awesome and cheap item from avistyle
looks better on the pictures then it do in world.
the sculptis looks wrinkly and not smoth at all.