Amazing Huge Sculpted Prim Set!
Updated now more than 213 !
Feed your Creativity Monster !
Great Starter Pack or A Very Nice Expansion
to your Personal Library
Bones, Fish,Guns, Shamrocks, Hearts, Tables, Chairs, Wheels, Wings , Skeleton bones, Monsters, Animals, and so much more.......................................................
all included!!!!!!!!!!
A Very Nice Compilation Pack
Plus...... many never seen in any of my packs
Check my other listings to see how much you can save and create
This includes the other Kits listed here
Plus Hundreds more never released to anyone.
The Next Year Maps are looking great as the
Creative Juices only start to Oooooze in my head!
My brain is like Malasasss, yummy sweet and sometimes slow
But Always Good!
These are not for resale or freebies but rather for your
project and you builds that you may do with as you will
after its your own creation.
- Unique Maps
- All Maps Included C/M/T
- Great Addition to your Sculpty Map Inventory Aresonal
- Very Useful Maps
Crap Sculpts
these sculpts are by far some of the crappiest work ive seen yet dont waste your money
the biggest collection at the best price in SL, merchant was friendly and helpful. i will most likely buy more from this guy. kudos to spume! keep up the good work :)