Eyes set B , APPLIER HUD in 10 sweet colors for lovers of kawaii look ^ - ^
ONLY for CATWA Animated mesh Eyes & Tears
and Rigged eyes in Bento Catwa mesh head.
DOES NOT work with the classic avatar eyes or any other mesh eyes!
Mesh eyes or system eyes are not included!
Catwa Animated mesh eyes & tears can be found here:
more info here: https://severedblog.wordpress.com/2017/12/29/severed-garden-severeyes-b-for-catwa-eyes/
( for Utilizator M3 head version info here:
https://severedblog.wordpress.com/2017/11/25/severed-garden-severeyes-5-for-kemono-m3/ )
Visit the store Inworld to see all creations ^ _ ^
* SEVERED GARDEN * B&B Creations.
(For any question send a NC to Berta Avro or read our FAQ here:http://severedblog.wordpress.com/faq/)