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Sea House- 64 prim/ 30m by 30m Version 1

Sea House- 64 prim/ 30m by 30m
Sea House- 64 prim/ 30m by 30m
0 Reviews

REZ BOX is not mod, just the BUILDING itself is copy mod, once store is selected in the rez menu, after rezzing.
Use your order history to get another copy of the rez box from the marketplace, if required.

Fine detailed seahouse that sits on a metal structure above the water and allows boats to dock below where you and guests can use the elevator to go up to the house.

  • 30m by 30m above water seahouse
  • Boat docking area below the house
  • elevator from lover level to House.- left click

L$ 10

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Made Here Budget Buildings
Made Here Budget Buildings
Sold by: Irishk9 Aeon

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  • Copy
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  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Land Impact: 64