Secret Door Bookcase - Mesh 1 L.i. Version 2.1
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► 1 Prim = 1 Land Impact (L.i.) :
- 0.5 L.i. for the bookcase (3 Faces).
- 0.5 L.i. for the objects (8 Faces).
► You can place your own textures.
► Management by Menu.
► Automatic Close.
► Choose Time for closing.
► Access : Owner - Group - All.
► Script is Copy only.
►► BONUS : Set of Textures to change the arrangement of the objects on shelfs.
►►► Enter the Values into the Description Name separate by commas ";" :
1. The Move Vector <x,y,z>;
2. Access : Owner, Group or All;
3. The time for closing.
Example :
- 1 Prim = 1 Land Impact.
- Management by Menu.
- Access : Owner - Group - All.
- Enter the Values into the Description Name separate by commas.