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Serenity 15m Texture Changeable Ripple Water Pond 12 (v9c) Version v9c

Serenity 15m Texture Changeable Ripple Water Pond 12 (v9c)

The Fort Serenity 15m Pond 12 is a 15m wide x 15m long triangular pond with slowly moving water.

The pond has 12 changeable rock textures and 12 changeable water textures, plus four water transparence settings. The owner can also substitute his or her own water and rock textures for those built into the falls. Only the owner of the pond can change the settings.

The ponds may be used as stand-alone or to connect waterfalls and other water features.

See item in Second Life
  • 12 Changeable water textures
  • 12 Changeable rock textures
  • Owners can add their own textures
  • 2 copiable sound rocks for waterfalls and streams plus copiable mist
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What ???
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted February 08, 2011 by Kundera Zauber

O que dizer de uma pessoa que desrespeita uma nação, estampando sua bandeira de cabeça para baixo ? Eu solicitei o conserto antes de comprar seu produto, mas não fui atendido. Antes de resenhar, eu fui lá na loja verificar todas as bandeiras. Ele consertou somente as que ficam no landpoint.

What about a person who violates a nation, stamping his flag upside down? I asked the repair before you buy your product, but I was not satisfied. Before reviewing, I went into the store to verify all the flags. He repaired only those who remain in landpoint.

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