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Serenity Style- Snow Queen Sled Ocher Version AUTHENTIC

Serenity Style- Snow Queen Sled Ocher

Picture is for illustrative purposes only. Original photography ©2021 TessaPaige Jupiter/Jupiter Projects. **Gacha Crazy is your Trusted reseller**

Serenity Style- Snow Queen Sled Ocher

**NOTE: for the photos I used the Coastal Afternoon windlight which made the sky pop but added a cooler/blue tone to the swans. I like playing around with the environment and personal lighting tools. The actual tone of the swans is more like the ones on the enclosed product key.

**Serenity Style brings you the “Snow Queen Sled” collection of swan décor seats. These lovely swans are 6 Li, are mod/trans, and have singles animations. They would be perfect for homes in Bellisseria, any parcel, sim or business for the winter season or anytime of year. They are great photography props as well. Serenity stlye did not box these items. Just rezz them and use them. DO NOT rezz them on mesh surfaces. Don't delay get an item from the collection today!

**100% Guarantee I pulled the Serenity Style Snow Queen Sled Gacha machine at the store. This is an ORIGINAL legitimate item directly from the machine to you. It is an authentic, unadulterated item by the creator. Don't be duped buy AUTHENTIC!

This is a No-Copy Gacha item. I’m not the creator and can not refund, redeliver or replace it. This is the policy of all Gacha Resellers on the Marketplace. To avoid failed deliveries, purchase your Gacha items one at a time. Do Not purchase this item when you are off-line or on a mobile device. Make sure you are online to receive it and avoid unpacking or receiving items in laggy places. Do not Gift it, it's Transfer only, you can send it yourself.

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