Sexy Geek Chick Full outfit - Maitreya fit mesh
- Maitreya lara fitted mesh -
-Open shoulder shirt with upper and lower belts.
-Two pant options with or without side pouch
-Looped chains for the waist belt (add on)
-Strapped low cut high heel boots
- Maitreya lara fitted mesh -
- Classic icy blue eyes or alpha eye layer with prim
- Nice shoulder length classic hairstyle
- Cute eye glasses.
- Basic sexy geek chick AO v1.0 ,10 stands, 4 sits
and 4 walks. (V2.0 coming to the store soon)
Enjoy your purchase and please rate and review :D
- full outfit
- 2 pairs of pants with or with out extras,
- mesh top, mesh high heel short boots
- classic or prim icy blue eyes,hair and eyeglasses
- Sexy geek chick AO