G General

Shades of Autumn: Falling Leaves Street lamp CM Autumn Decor

Shades of Autumn: Falling Leaves Street lamp CM Autumn Decor

Thank you for your No Illusions purchase

You can turn the lamp light off and on by touching the lamp face (the flame will continue to burn, but main lighting will toggle on and off with touch).

You can resize by clicking the base and choosing a menu option, or you can use your viewer's edit menu.

The particles are very light, but if you wish to remove them, just remove the script, reset, and then make a copy and delete the old one. If this doesn't work, contact me.

If you put down two streetlamps in the same area, they may try to communicate with each other. That means they will send particles out to each other. Right click the streetlamp, go to the Content tab, and click reset. This should stop any communication between lamps.

If you put down two streetlamps in the same area, they may try to communicate with each other. That means they will send particles out to each other. Right click the streetlamp, go to the Content tab, and click reset. This should stop any communication between lamps.

If you have any questions that aren't answered in this notecard, please contact RobinLeia resident in-world. I will do my best to respond to inquiries, suggestions or complaints.

I also absolutely welcome feedback, good or bad, and suggestions for new products!

Please contact me before leaving a bad review to see if we can rectify the situation, but feel free to leave a good review if you are so inclined.

You can find my products on Second Life Marketplace at:


You can also contact me at slredfire@gmail.com, or by searching robinleia resident in-world.

See item in Second Life
  • Touch to turn light and particles off and on
  • Copy/mod
  • Glowing particles
  • Resizable
  • Realistic textures