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.Shi Hair : Eirene / Unisex . ALL

.Shi Hair : Eirene / Unisex . ALL

Eirḗnē here translates to Peace in Greek.

The messy strands, mimic how hair naturally falls in the wind along with a distressed headband of cotton & leather – designed to represent the tumultuous times we live in. Waking up every day fills many hearts and minds with pangs of anxiety and fear of the uncertainty that lies ahead. This hair is dedicated to all who understands the battle of the mind. Peace, is not the absence of trouble. It is possible to enter and remain in peace amidst the chaos. Don’t give up, look up, receive and stay in faith. I pray we all remain in this Peace that surpasses all understanding.


The model is wearing color 5 of the E-Bronde set.

The unconventional design of our hairs tend to sway from the mainstream. With the focus on Style, we strive to enhance the face profiles at every angle when worn. All hairs have been fitted with and without the following mesh heads: TMP, Fiore, Lelutka, Catwa, Genesis & Signature. The model is wearing a Fiore Precious” mesh head with the system head shape slider at 58. Therefore, it might differ from your shape.

Please do try the demo and re-size it to fit your preference before purchase as we do not accept refund requests except for double purchases. Any further questions, do read our "Store Policy" at http://i-am-shi.com/store-policy/ or contact us for any clarification.

*Note: The final purchase includes modify permissions.

Thank you for your support!

Joy Laperriere, ●Shi
BLOG . www.shi-sl.com
FB . www.facebook.com/ShixSL
FLICKR . www.flickr.com/photos/joylaperriere

See item in Second Life
  • Unisex, Un-rigged Mesh
  • Headband in black only
  • 2 Versions : Him & Her
  • Avatar complexity friendly, Compatible with most mesh heads
  • Modify permission, Re-size + stretch scripts included