Set of 3 Shields
Regular Land Impact min. 12
Low version included min. 4
1 Shield is completely customizable with different sets of Claws, Ornaments, and Centres.
AO shadowsmaps included providing basic shading.
Several parts have separate faces for easy texturing inside Second Life.
AO shadowsmaps included providing basic shading.
SPEC maps applied for Advanced Lightning Shininess
UV maps included to create accurate and detailed textures in Image Editing Software.
Packaging is no transfer. All content comes with full permissions.
In-world location : Misc 2
General Info:
- This product is packed in a Provider which has buttons for each different section. Touch a button to get a folder with the content. A button's content can also be accessed by 'Edit Linked' and dragging it into the inventory.
- All our products are designed for regular texture mapping. Planar mapping may not render correctly on certain parts (BUG-4066).
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This item is intended to be a component for use in your own creations.
In case of significant changes it can also be resold as a standalone.
In no way this item may be redistributed with full permissions.
Please read and respect our terms of use below.
By purchasing this product you agree to the following terms:
You are allowed to:
- Modify and use this product as a part of your own creations and sell them with copy OR transfer permissions.
- Create a texture for this product and sell it as a standalone with copy OR transfer permissions.
You are not allowed to:
- Distribute this product with both copy and transfer permissions.
- Distribute this product as a freebie or any price below L$ 10.
- Distribute this product as it is.
- Distribute this product as a standalone with only minor changes made to the original state. You must meet the requirements of a 'Derivative Work'.
- Distribute or advertise this product using our name, logo, packaging or packaging textures.
- Distribute or use this product outside the virtual world Second Life with exception of the Second Life Marketplace.
'Product' is defined as every item that comes with the purchase, including the packaging and its textures, except otherwise stated on the product's Info & License notecard.
'Distribute' is defined as any form of transfer or publishing, be it by print, copy, distribution, disclosure, selling or sharing.
'Derivative Work' is defined as a work different enough from the original to be regarded as a 'new work or a work containing a substantial amount of new material.
© Copyright 2012, Doctor Zimberman, ZimberLab. All rights reserved.
To see an item displayed please visit our in-world store.
See item in Second Life- Advanced Lightning Materials enabled
I searched high and low all over the mp for mesh weapon templates that weren't ripped from some game. Sadly there is a sea of that crap here -.- And then, I found these.. thank god. They are so well made, the shadow maps are perfect and the price is insane. You could charge a lot more for these, but I'm glad you don't ;p Thank you, THANK YOU!!