*Shieldmaiden* Shop / Store / Studio / Commercial Building "The Nightshade" - 30 x 20 - Furnished & Unfurnished version
Shieldmaiden proudly presents our first commercial building: “the Nightshade”, the perfect shop to present your own business.
*** Professional appearance *** Exquisite design *** Highly detailed finishing ***
*** Handcrafted with love and perfection *** Mainly home-made original textures ***
General information:
- 2 Versions included
- 87 prims Furnished in a rez box
- 28 prims Unfurnished all parts linked
- Footprint 30 m. wide x 20 m. deep
- Structure 600 sqm. Fits on a 1024 sqm. plot
- Modify and copy permissions
- Do NOT change the size of the build because of used megaprims
- Please note that no mod scripts can cause an item itself to be listed as no modify
Removable items:
- 18 Wall displays inside
- 2 Wall displays outside
- 2 Rotating floor displays with gift wrap bags
- Shop name board outside and inside (just drop picture from your inventory)
- Animated texture panels behind wall displays
- Special neon light effects on floor and ceiling
- Office desk with female torso in a glass display
- 2 Potted weeping fig trees (plants)
Bonus features:
- Builders grid on the roof (if you don´t like it, just paint it black)
- SL Marketplace Sign with Visit Marketplace Store script
If you want to see the building before you decide to buy, contact me in-world for a demonstration without obligation.
FREE Footprint in my store.
Please see my other listed items with the Visit the Store button on the right of this page or visit the Shieldmaiden Store in-world (see link below). If you have any question or issue, need help or experience problems with the delivery, I will be happy to help. Just send me an IM or drop me a Note Card (don´t forget to mention your name).
See item in Second Life