G Général

Shoes - *Felicity* Whitney Stilettos - Green Leather High Heels (24 Sole Colors, 24 Heel Colors, 5 Metals) Part Mesh

Shoes - *Felicity* Whitney Stilettos - Green Leather High Heels (24 Sole Colors, 24 Heel Colors, 5 Metals) Part Mesh

*Felicity* Whitney Stilettos. Leather stilettos with texture change sole and texture change heel.

* Partial Mesh
* 24 Sole Colors
* 24 Heel Colors
* 5 Metal Trims (Silver, Bronze, 3 Golds)
* 12 Preset Toenail Polishes (Tintable with nail HUD)

Shoes are worn as lower leg attachments. Alpha layer only.

24 shoe sole color options (on two menus) include: Black, Blue, Blue-Sky, Blue Slate, Bronze, Buff, Gold, Gray, Green, Green-Sea, Lilac, Lime, Orange, Pink-Hot, Pink-Rose, Red, Silver, Turquoise, Violet, Yellow, Metal-Gold, Metal-Pink, Metal-Pinkish, and Metal-Silver.

24 heel colors options (on two menus) include: Amber, Black, Black Ivory (same as Faded Black), Blue Midnight, Blue Ocean, Blue Royal, Brown, Brown Coffee, Golden, Green Imperial, Green Summer, Magenta, Orange, Pink-Hot, Red, Tawny, Turquoise, Violet, Violet-Dark, White, Yellow, Metal-Gold, Metal-Pink, and Metal-Silver.

Shoe sole and heel menus change separately.

16 Colors Available
Two Packs of 8 Colors
Mega Pack of 16 Colors

For more shoes & stilettos, search in-world for Felicity...
Felicity Main Store at Emerald Bay (211, 201, 301) http://slurl.com/secondlife/Emerald%20Bay/211/201/301

Other location:
Felicity Shoes at Taeniatum (58, 8, 32) http://slurl.com/secondlife/Taeniatum/58/8/32

Join Felicity Updates for free shoes and gifts and member's prices.
Visit the Felicity blog: http://felicityoverlord.blogspot.com

For shoe instructions and troubleshooting:

For current in-world sales:

Felicity-Shoes, Stilettos: http://world.secondlife.com/place/96d4ac5a-8047-eca2-bcae-1d6d12758c75
Felicity-Shoes, High Heels:

Released in Second Life: February 2014

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Partial Mesh
  • 24 Color Texture Shoe Sole Options
  • 24 Color Texture Heel Options
  • 5 Metal Trim Options
  • 12 Preset Toenail Polishes & Tint HUD