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Shooting Range (Mineshaft Mayhem)

Shooting Range (Mineshaft Mayhem)

The ultimate Shooting Range experience.

Mineshaft Mayhem.

It's an ambush, a gang of ruthless bandits are raiding your mine trying to take your gold. Grab your trusty Winchester rifle and defend against the gunslingers. These bloodthirsty outlaws are relentless, they are behind every crate, barrel and mine cart emptying their six shooters in your direction. Take aim and fill their bellies with lead, but be careful, the miners are still trapped in the tunnels too, don't hit them as they try to escape the shootout.

9 moving pop up Targets with 27 positions

9 Game modes

4 players

Friendly fire, lose point when hitting friendly targets

Saves high scores

Targets score on accuracy, not just hits.

31 LI

Copy only.

The rifle is copy-trans and the dispenser will give to anyone.

The range is 8m wide and 17m long.

Check out the other themes.

  • 9 moving pop up Targets with 27 positions
  • 9 Game modes
  • 4 players
  • Friendly fire, loose point when hitting friendly targets
  • Saves high scores

L$ 75

Adding to cart as gift


Sidney Arctor's Fabulous Contraptions!
Sidney Arctor's Fabulous Contraptions!
Sold by: Sidney Arctor

Land Required

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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0 Reviews
  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: Partial Mesh
Land Impact: 31