~~~Available in Three Designs, Three Prim Counts~~~
~~~Tea Service Also Available~~~
~~~Serves Cups in Two Sizes~~~
~~~Custom Animations~~~
Classic silver design. Serves black coffee and coffee with cream, in small and large cups, to better fit your avatar.
There are three designs of this silver coffee service, to suit your style and desired prim count. We also offer a silver tea service, also in three prim counts.
*A note on the most elaborate unit. If the candle flame does not start when the service is unpacked, it should light on your next log-in. One of Second Life's little quirks!
Note that this service is now in mesh, to lower and stabilize prim count and to allow for finer modeling and texturing. Enjoy!
Available for purchase in-world at Absinthe & Others, Glashtan (152, 21, 98)
Antiquity, Babbage, Caledon, Caledonian, Steampunk, Victorian, Victoriana, Victoria, Antique, Silver, Historical, History, Edwardian, Regency, Coffeepot, coffee, milk, cream, sugar, latte
Voir l'article dans Second Life- Classic Beverage Service
- Full Animations
- Various Size Cups For Different Avatars
- Now in Mesh
- Improved Texturing, Lower Prim Counts
We've all seen those freebie coffee pots that give out a mug. Now it's time for a little elegance. Not only does this dispense coffee in two varieties and two sizes, but it is also a joy to look at. I have the most elaborate version and I just love it - the detail is incredible. Nothing has been overlooked.
The creator is helpful and friendly as well. :)