Sine Wave Tipping System (Bundled (Champagne, Chair, Single Pole, Dual Pole) Dance Systems)
does not include dance devices, this is a drop in system for Sine Wave dance devices
Sine Wave makes some of the best dance devices in Second Life. Their Animations are dynamic and realistic! They are widely used in clubs everywhere, and they would be perfect, except they have never come with a built-in tipping system. Now all that has changed!!
Now you can have it all with the Sine Wave Tipping System! No more having to place out tip jars, that have just basic features, no more missing more dancers having to place their own tip jars and leaving them scattered about. No more headaches, no more worrying, no more losing revenue to tips which don't split evenly!
Easy to configure, the Sine Wave Tipping System works exclusively with your Sine Wave dance devices to instantly rez an eye-catching crystal goblet tip jar once a dancer has begun using the dance device.
Tips can be split between the dancer and (up to) four other people using our sophisticated Fair-Share Algorithm which is built into the Sine Wave Tipping System. The algorithm deals with the problem of tips which don't split evenly by tracking tips over time, and portioning out remaining Lindens evenly.
The Crystal Jar will send a thank you message to the tipper from the dancer's name. This smart jar will also delete itself if the dancer stands up, logs off or teleports away without standing up. A new tip jar is automatically rezzed when the next dancer sits on the device.
The Sine Wave Tipping System allows you to:
■ Securely configure pay-out percentages on tips received.
■ Distribute tips between a dancer and up to four other people by using our original, one of a kind Fair-Share Algorithm.
■ Control where the tip jar rezzes in relation to the dance device.
■ Determine whether anyone, or only Group members, can use the tip jar.
■ Configure the hover text above the tip jar, showing just the dancer's name, or the dancer's, the amount of the last tip and the name of the last tipper.
■ All Tipping Systems are fully copiable, install as many copies as you need.
■ Pay attention to your customers, instead of worrying about finances.
The systems have the following features:
■ The dance device, when a dancer sits upon it will rez a crystal decanter tip jar with bling, to make it more visible to tipping customers....the tip jar will be keyed to the dancer on the dance device.
■ The tip system can be set to only rez a tip jar if the resident on the dance device is in the same group...this allows the dance device owner to set the pole to group or no group...and still have the tipjar rez with separate if they want a pole anyone can dance on, but only group members can be tipped on...that can be done...or vice versa.
■ The tip jar, when rezzed, will rename itself to the name of the that when tips are paid to it, it will send a thank you message to the tipper, from the dancer's name.
■ The tipjar has dynamic hovertext over it, that will display the name of the dancer, the total amount of tips received, the amount of the last tip and the name of the last tipper. This feature can be configured to show only the dancer's name, or all of the information.
■ The tip jar can be set to rez at an owner configurable x,y,z distance and offset from the dance device itself.
■ The tip jar can be owner configured to allow for a payment split between the dancer and up to four other residents. The dance device owner does not need to be one of the four residents. If the total percentages being split are configured to be less than 100%, anything else will be retained by the pole owner.
■ When the dancer stands up from the dance device, teleports away, or is logged out of second life, the tip jar self deletes, and another is rezzed, when the next dancer sits on the dance device.
■ After the owner configures the tipjar, they drop it into the dance pole, with a rezzer script, and a notecard. This notecard handles the offset only. The tipjar also contains a notecard in it, where the pay out percentages are configured.
■ The tip jar will give the owner warnings during configuration, in the event that the split percentages are more than 100%, and will also warn if the owner has forgotten to grant debit permissions.
■When payment is made to the tip jar, the payment goes to the dance device owner, this is a limitation of second life, the owners account then disburses the percentages to the configured payees, including the dancer. Since the tipjar auto renames it self to be the same name as the dancer, the thank you message will always appear to the customer as if it came from the dancer herself/himself
■ The system is secure, since the tip jar always remains the property of the dance device owner, no one else can fiddle with the payout percentages.
■ The tipjar made specifically f