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Sintiklia - Hair Alan - Dark blondes Version 1.0

Sintiklia - Hair Alan - Dark blondes

Highly recommended to try the DEMO before buy full versions! Try with AO, clothing, heads, breasts and etc.
<<<<There are no refunds to people who did not try DEMO>>>>>

1 rigged version, 2nd version - unrigged&resized.
Also included version without lower part( you can wear it with hairbases) . It also has rigged&unrigged versions.
Can be unisex.

4 variants of main hair
Hair is MODIFY(no modify is just script)! You can delete scripts or add fullbright\glow and etc with Edit option to it manually.
Tint option for hair included to each hud.
Included colors please see on attached images(try DEMO(demo has all colors) to see them before purchase)

Read notecard which is included about hair if you have some problems and if you will or need more information.

!!!!!If you do not like product or have problem - please contact me inworld first before leaving review - I will help you!
Wanna modify version of hair? - contact me into IM inworld.

Redelivery you can make inworld store or in
Marketplace » My account » My order history » Invoice - Redeliver item

See item in Second Life