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Skyboxes for fun and function .: EM :. Electromagnetic Powered Skybox Support (11 prims)

Skyboxes for fun and function .: EM :. Electromagnetic Powered Skybox Support (11 prims)

Ever wonder what magical force is hold all those skyboxes in the sky? We'll let you in on a little secret .... nothing!!!

Our Electromagnetic Power Skybox Support (skybox NOT included) uses 19th Century electromagnetic power propellers to keep your steampunk / victorian / goth / industrial / actually, any skybox in the sky -- with a visible means of support (as required at certain elevations in Caledon and other places).

Use one for a small skybox -- or many for a large skybox. But never again wonder what is keeping that skybox in the sky ;-)

The propeller fans and I-beam are sculpty for reduced prim use. The fans rotate. The lightening under the support is animated and very cool.

Uses a simple rezz system to rezz all parts in place at once ... and to load them back in the box if you wish.

In world models of our innovative low prim sky boxes can be found at the Skyboxes Tower @ .: Emerging Media :. in world at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Pandora/160/56/113/

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