Thank you for your interest in the Snake Skin Shoes
(package contains two pairs of texture change shoes *maitreya fit and *slink fit. one texture change shoe hud that has 4 color sets, shoes are non-rigged and resizeable. try the demo)
About these shoes: The mesh model of these shoes are an original creation by Callista Sapphire. Owner of Endamist's
co-owner of Darkward. Please note that some parts of the shoes have other creator names due to the employment of their services. If you have any concerns about the function or errors with this product they should be directed to Callista and not to any other name that may appear on various parts. I will be the only one dealing with or fixing issues.
The Snake skin shoes come in 4 texture combinations. These are changed by using the shoe hud provided. The current available colors may be seen in additional images on the Market place by following this link (white, berry, violet, and brown)
and then locate Snake Skin shoes in the store. If you are reading this on the product page you are already there.
The shoes come with two fitting sizes. Maitreya lara and Slink Mid height. Please note: these will not fit Slink high feet. They are designed specifically for mid height. You may try the left foot demo found on the market place to be sure that they will fit your feet. This shoe also comes with a sizer script for fitting purposes. Shoes no not come with any shoe base. Those using legacy or default avatars from the old origins of Second life may still be able to use the shoes if they have their own shoe base and appropriate alpha's to accommodated them however I am not providing one since I have made these for mesh bodies.
The shoes are not rigged so that you can moved them and adjust their position and size as needed. just click the shoe to get the sizing menu. you can resize on any or all axis with the menu. positioning will need to be in edit mode with or without the aid of a pose stand or built in pose positions in your viewer. pose stands and pose positions are not required however some people find them helpful when positioning worn objects.
About the textures. Textures on these shoes are custom. they include materials which if you have ambient occlusion and lighting turned on you will see both the shine and bump settings. if your graphics are set to low you will not or may not see these.
Additional note * the shoes are made of a high quality mesh for the best appearance. Lower end and old systems might have difficulty rendering them.
Please try the demo as no refund for purchases will be given. Only re deliveries or updates will be sent.