Snow Globe - Music Box "Silent Night" Version 1.1
Snow Globe - Music Box - "Silent Night"
Snow globe 100 % mesh
Animated toy train with sound driving through a tunnel.
Animated snowman and street lights on/off
Plays full song "Silent Night"
Nicely decorated with a group of pines and a lot of gifts.
Music can be switched on and off sepatately.
Comes in 3 versions:
1x 0.5 m for the table
1x 1.5 m for the floor
1x 3 m outdoor
Each only 7 prim!
This item requires a mesh enabled viewer, official Second life viewer or 3rd party viewer with mesh support.
>>>>Meshes are not like prims, if you resize a mesh could increase the prims count.<<<<
========== SUPPORT ==========
Do you need support or you have questions? Please contact:
Dina LaVega (german, english, spanish)
Didi LaVega (german).
We will be pleased to assist you!
Enjoy and have fun
DIVIAs Design
Landscaping, Garden & Home