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So You Think You Can Dance Barre (Really Needy Edition) USER GUIDE

So You Think You Can Dance Barre (Really Needy Edition) USER GUIDE

This product is sold by Really Needy HUD partner, Sam Sparks Sports Designs.

This listing is only an ADVERTISEMENT. It only delivers the USER GUIDE.

To buy the Dance Barre (899L), please use vendor in the Partner's Corner in my store. (SLurl below).
Demo is also available in-world.


● Mesh horizontal hand-rail (barre) for fixing to wall of dance studio
● Compatible with Really Needy HUD Fitness levels 3
● AVSitter2 system with 183 animations (2 sitters who are dancing + 2 observers)

Note: If you are not a Really Needy HUD user, you can buy the standard Dance Barre from Sam Sparks Sports Designs. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SSSD0227-SYTYC-Dance-Barre-Delivery-Box/24509881

❶ When your avatar dances using the barre, Fitness Points (FP) can be earned.
- Your avatar must be wearing the Really Needy HUD
- Your avatar must be at least Level 3 in Fitness
- Exercise duration must be at least 25 minutes for dancing (or at least 50 minutes for Ballet Preparation animations).
- To find out more about the Fitness feature, visit: https://grace7ling.wixsite.com/needy/fitness

❷ In collaboration with cosmetics brand Izzie's, your avatar's face will automatically be flushed while exercising intensely.
BOM layers for "Exercise Flush" are sold separately at:
For more details, visit: https://grace7ling.wixsite.com/needy/skinfx

❸ Your avatar's Heart Rate will increase
- The heart beat is audible if wearing the 'animated mesh heart by Gyro' (partner product) and set to sync with Really Needy HUD
- The heart rate (beats per minute or BPM) is visible on the Really Useful Vital Signs Monitor

❹ Upon completion of the exercise, your avatar's
- Thirst meter will decrease by 20% x intensity* (replenish by drinking fluids)
- Energy meter will decrease by 20% (replenish by resting)
- Hunger meter will decrease by 10% x intensity* (replenish by eating)
- Hygiene meter will decrease by 40% due to perspiration (if your avatar does not dry himself / herself with a towel within 5 minutes)
* intensity is 1 for the Ballet Preparation animations and 2 for all the other dance animations / sequences.

This Dance Barre is designed to support personal dance expression to enjoy the rhythmic movement of the body, with a variety of dance genres which include Street Dance, Folk Dance, Contemporary Dance, Jazz Dance, Ballet Dance and more.

▶Street Dance
- 18 Hip Hop Dances
- 20 Break Dances

▶Folk Dance
- 20 Belly Dances
- 7 Tap Dances
- 7 Historical Dances
- 21 Ethnic Dances (Hula, Flamenco, Salsa, Zumba and Bollywood)

▶ 11 Contemporary Dances

▶ 5 Jazz Dances

▶ 11 Fun Dances

▶ 23 Feminine Dances

▶Sexy Dance
- 9 Floor Dances
- 18 Seductive Dances

▶Ballet Dance
- 4 Preparation Movements
- 9 Ballet Dances

▶ 12 static dance poses and 6 barre leans for picture taking

▶ 9 cuddle and kiss animations

The texture of the attached mirror can also be adjusted by clicking on it to cycle through options, including invisible setting.

Note: You will want to allocate a clear space of 10 m by 8 meters to the dance barre. Both dancers can select any dance they want and they have been arranged so that there is minimal chance that two dancers will occupy the same space at the same time.

SLurl to demo: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bonaventure/246/40/25


- Dance Barre: Yes modify, Yes copy, No transfer
- Animations: No modify, Yes copy, No transfer (AVPos card is full permissions in case you would like to add more animations)
- Scripts: No modify

- 6 LI

- Original mesh design and build by Sam Sparks Sports Designs / SamSparks0823
- Exercise script by Really Useful Scripts Corner / Grace7 Ling

Drop a notecard to Grace7 Ling.

See item in Second Life
  • Beautifully crafted horizontal handrail (mesh, 6 LI)
  • AVSitter2 system with 183 animations
  • Earn Fitness Points if you are Level 3 Fitness and above (Really Needy HUD)
  • Variety of dance genres included
  • Works with "Flushed Skin Pack" to auto wear Exercise Flush layer on face