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SocialIte Batik Tulis Merah [Wear Me]

SocialIte Batik Tulis Merah [Wear Me]

Socialite Wardrobe

specialized in batik clothing , traditional and batik fashion , also haute couture and jewelry

we present you our latest outfit!

Socialite Batik Tulis Merah

FITMESH - Slink - Maitreya - Belleza - Slink Hourglass - TMP. Alpha mask is included for classic avatars.

Because Maitreya does not provide base shape, Maitreya version is completely experimental guess work. You may have to adjust your shape and use your mesh body alpha hud to fit the garment right.
Please try another size if one size doesn't fit, you may also need to tweak your shape slightly where necessary.

- Classic (5 sizes)
- Belleza(Venus,Isis,Freya)
- Slink Physique, Slink Hourglass
- Maitreya and TMP
- Rigged Maitreya Mesh (1 size, should cover all 5 shapes - with tiny modifications in some cases)
- 1 Fitmesh Size

Thank you for your purchase.
Shannen Zhora

L$ 75

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~*Socialite Wardrobe*~
~*Socialite Wardrobe*~
Sold by: Shannen Zhora

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Works with Classic and Mesh Avatars
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Mesh: 100% Mesh