This outfit can be worn by the Classic SL Avatar as well as the following Mesh Avatars:
Maitreya Lara
Belleza (Venus, Isis, Freya)
Most Omega Applier compatible mesh products including Lolas, Wowmeh, and many others.
This outfit includes the following:
Bra Top on all layers
Panty on all layers
Full Chest Fringe with Corsage
Chest Corsage ONLY option
Panty Corsage
Includes clothing Appliers for the following:
Maitreya Lara
Belleza (Venus, Isis, Freya)
Omega Applier
*Mesh bodies and mesh body parts are NOT included. This outfit includes clothing and clothing prim/sculpt/mesh attachments ONLY.
PERMISSIONS: Copy, Resize Script with Delete, No Modify, No Transfer.
Need a redelivery? Please use the Redelivery Terminal located in the Solange! Fashions store in Second Life.
(Updated Version: 10.9.15)
See item in Second Life