G General

Sonic Energizer, Omni-Tool Version 2.1

Sonic Energizer, Omni-Tool

The sonic energizer features four (4) firing modes. All are used the same way. Enter mouselook, aim at your target, and press the left mouse button to fire.

To change firing modes, say one of the following commands:

/5 p -- Sonic Portal ("squareness"). Opens a square hole in your target. Touch the hole to teleport to the other side.

/5 s -- Scanner - Provides data on objects and avatars. Interacts with specially scripted objects (i.e, doors)

/5 c -- Sonic Cannon. Throws your target (or nearby avatars if you hit the ground or a prim) up into the air a short distance.

/5 d -- Triple-Enfolded Sonic Disruptor. Encases the target in a sonic forcefield. You may pass through it freely. Anyone else is blocked. The field is temporary, and will disperse within 60 seconds, or when the owner touches it.

See item in Second Life
  • Creates 'holes' in solid matter
  • Blast your enemies into the air
  • Encase avatars and objects in a wave of sound
  • Scan and interact with objects