G General



♥ Thank you for your interest ♥

In that pack you will find:

-Hud sortilege: Click on it, a pop up window will appear then select an avatar you want to attack.
-Sortilege right hand sound:It's an effect on the hands that plays sound while attacking.
-Sortilege right hand sound+anim:It plays sound and an animation while an attack.
-Sortilege right hand:Particle effect on hands without animation and sound.
-Sortilege spine:Aura
-Sortilege left hand:Particle effect on hand without animation and sound.

As it's glowy, it will appear differently on midday windlight settings.

Add to your avatar the effect you want then the hud (only if you want to interact with other avatar), and most of all, enjoy it ☺.

In case you rez and want to derezz it , use "ctrl+alt+t" shortkey to see the transparent prim then delete it, use "ctrl+alt+t" to turn back to a normal view.

For any problem or suggestions please contact
Phoenix1er or Ticha31

We will be glad to answer as soon as possible ☺
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See item in Second Life
  • Avatar aura
  • Particle
  • Great for photos
  • Attack avatar with pose and sound
  • Hud