About the armor:
You just need to wear the shape and alpha layer.
Then you can choose one of the 3 versions (opaque, refelx and reflex HD)
Second life graphic engine allow 2 major types of rendering.
The basic one is the one we all have by default., but users with advanced graphic cards have access (in the graphic preferences... control + p) to activate "lighting and shadows" which makes much more realistic textures and reflextions.
The reflex version was meant to use without that advanced feature. and the reflex HD version was meant to be used WITH "lighting and shadows" checked.
Regarding your graphic preferences (ctrl P) you will see these items in a different fashion:
_if you have "lighting and shadows" checked you will see them as a metal-like surface.
_if you have "lighting and shadows" unchecked you will see them as a mirror/plastic-like surface.
Try both and see which one is best for you.
Veja o item no Second Life- Full mesh suit