G Général

Spiffy Migrating Canadian Goose (ADD ME)

Spiffy Migrating Canadian Goose (ADD ME)

It's a plane! It's Smaceman! No... it's those flocking Canadian Geese!!! WOOOOOO!!!!

These aren't just ordinary Canadian geese, these are MIGRATING Canadian geese!! That's right, these guys are flying south for the winter... or north for the summer... or west for spring break... or maybe just downtown for sushi.

So what does that mean, exactly? Well...

You get a solo goose with wing flapping animation that you program to fly in a straight line. Once the programmed goose reaches its destination, it will disappear making room for the next bird to fly through.

About the geese:
- Goose scripted with the tools to setup flight paths
- It HONKS! If it is too much, turn it down or off in the dialog menu!
- This goose does NOT fly around in circles. It migrages in a straight path defined by you, and then disappears.

What you get:
- GOOSE!! - 1 solo goose (2 land impact) COPY/MOD
- Flocking Goose Rezzer to keep the migration flowing COPY/MOD
- Full detailed instructions (way better than the version above)

Check out the video link to see them in action!

If you are looking for a flock of geese or the fatpack version, check the RELATED ITEMS links below.

Voir l'article dans Second Life Afficher la vidéo view_wishlist: Voir et partager votre liste de souhaits »
  • A Single Flying Canadian Goose with Rezzer!
  • Set your own flightpath!
  • Rez at random time intervals!
  • 100% Original Mesh!
  • Honk honk!!