It's a snowmobile... wait, no... it's a coupe! Wait... it's a Sno-Coupe!! Small, cute and zippy, this guy will get you where you need to go in a hurry!
Grab a friend or one of your alts this winter and zoom through the snow! Lay down one of the included vehicle rezzers and race your friends across the frozen tundra!
Use the included color HUD to personalize your ride or add some snow to prove you made it through the blizzard!
This package includes:
- 1 Sno-Coupe!
- 2 Rezzers (one clean and one snowy) that rez temporary unlocked vehicles
- Color change HUD with 4 colors to personalize the center and pin stripes!
- Black, White, Green and Copper
- Custom-built driver HUD to check your speed and access quick features!
Each Sno-Coupe is 18 land impact and can be resized through the ACS menu!
Each rezzer is 2 land impact.
These vehicles use the ACS 7.02 driving system and have been custom tuned for the best driving experience!
Check the item name to make sure you are purchasing the color you want. If you want a different color, or ALL THE COLORS... take a look at the similar items below!
Voir l'article dans Second Life- 100% Original Mesh
- 18 land impact!
- Custom driver HUD with skin changer
- Includes vehicle and rezzers!
- Second seat for passenger!