Hand drawn Sport Skirt Template comes with download link, you dont have to wait :)
Not compatiple with corel paintshop!
For use with gimp or photoshop!
Psd Files with serperat layers - shades -winkles ...
You will find in the box -
Notecard with download link & password.
Pants and underpants ready to wear - full perm
Tga File for the Skirt to create clothes with you as the creator.
Tga File - skirt prim texture
Skirt Prim
These template are made with photoshop cs5.
With your purchase you will accept follow rules:
These are my own, hand drawn completely original files. They are available only from me, and only on SLM. Of course you can sell what you make with these. but not full perm.
These files are limited to your use only, please do not redistribute them to other users!
Use in Second life only!
thanks :)
- full perm - please read my rules
Very nice!
I love talented hand drawn textures. Layers in PS make things so much easier to use and make changes to for some flare of your own. Very Cute. Things like this give me ideas to be more creative!