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Spring Tree: Cluster of 3 (One of our many catalogue entries for Spring arbors, trees, shrubs and landscaping items))

Spring Tree: Cluster of 3 (One of our many catalogue entries for Spring arbors, trees, shrubs and landscaping items))

Bring some colour to your parcel after the winter blues!

Spring is here... well it is on its way.....and we have opened a new Spring Section in ArchiTech Designs to help you start letting your landscape move towards the warm SL summer.

I am pleased to offer this Cluster of three spring trees as a beautiful addition to your parcel.

At only two prims and copy and modify it is a great addition to your parcel whether in a garden or in your outdoor landscaping.

Each tree has a resizer script and a full bright/glow script so you can make it suit your purpose exactly.

This can be used in both large and small land areas from the tiniest cottage garden to the largest ranch as each item is copy/ modify so you can benefit both economically and in terms of making the adaptations that suit your land..

We have also taken great care to keep the prim counts as low as possible with many of our items being only a few prims, and in some cases, only 1 prim.

Enjoy having Spring bursting out all over.
Architech Adder

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Customer service and after sales care is our number one priority so please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any issues or questions concerning our products.
Your feedback is always appreciated both in SL Marketplace and In-World.

See item in Second Life
  • Cluster of three spring trees
  • Low Prim Count of only 1 prim
  • Ideal for creating landscaping interest
  • Copy/Modify to keep your landscaping costs down
  • One of the items in our new Spring Section